Dare to Wear: White After Labor Day


Labor Day has officially come and gone, and so begins the fall season — at least as far as fashion is concerned. After spending my last day of summer on the beach at Isle of Palms, I returned to something rather disturbing. Upon checking my Facebook and Twitter feeds, it came to my attention that everyone still adheres to the archaic rule that one must not wear white after Labor Day. It’s 2013, you guys — why should some outdated fashion guideline (that our great-great-grandparents followed, btw) dictate our style decisions for nearly three quarters of the year? Although, to be fair, our ancestors didn’t know about white J. Crew matchstick jeans when this rule originated, so we can’t really blame them.


White has been everywhere this year, from fall 2013 fashion shows to everyday looks sported by the most trusted celebrity fashionistas. Not to say this is the first fall that this antiquated rule has been broken; daring style gurus have been dressing as they pleased for years. In fact, I thought we had all been over it for a while now. It may take a little getting used to, but once you discover all of the ivory outfits you’ve been missing out on, I guarantee you’ll be over it too.

If executed correctly, wearing white into the chilly seasons can really make a statement. There are only a few guidelines to follow to pull off this clean color:

  1. Black + white– make this combo your new best friend; not only is this pair huge for autumn, but darker colors will also offset the summery feel of white clothing.
  2. Mind your fabric– your white linen and sheer items can go into hibernation; instead, utilize heavier fabrics like denim and leather for a more fall-appropriate look.
  3. Accessories are key– textured belts, scarves in rich fall colors, nude pumps or camel boots, fur collars, glittery jewelry, you name it; layering also instantly gives an ensemble a cold weather feel.

white labor day

You can hang on to your white dresses, jeans, and blazers, because all of these pieces can easily transition into the cooler months. Pair your favorite white dress with a utility jacket, printed scarf, and wedge booties. If it’s on the chillier side, you can layer a flannel shirt under the jacket and throw on some tights. With your trusty white jeans, wear a sturdy sweater, striped top, animal print scarf (which really makes white pop), and some brown leather boots. Lastly, going along with the black and white theme, I love how a crisp, white blazer looks with a pair of feminine black shorts. Tuck in a silky blouse, slip on some plum leather booties for a splash of color, and you have an effortless outfit for a night on the town.

Do you dare to wear this rule-breaking trend?


Where to find:

1. White dress   Utility jacket   Printed scarf   Wedge boot   Bow tights

2. White jeans   Grey cardigan   Striped shirt   Infinity scarf   Riding boots

3. White blazer   Black shorts   Chiffon top   Leather booties

(image source: inthecitywithcrystalin.com, afancyaffair.com, alovelyescape.blogspot.com, google, pinterest, harper’s bazaar)